Friday, October 1, 2010


untill a few days ago I had never heard of kettlebells. today I did my first kettlebell workout. rather sloppily I might say but you gotta start somewhere. How come whenever you exercies you gotta warm up and cool down. How do we ever live in life??? seems like we should always be warming up or cooling down if we ever do anything!!! So just when you exercise you warm up and cool down... I protest. I'd like to get to it, then be done with it! That said, kettlebells are pretty cool and I hurt a little, feel the burn that is :)
I hope I stick with it and loose these 30 pounds (give or take a few) that I've been talking about for too long!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's been a long time since I blogged. I've been busy with work and summer! I hope to go kayaking sooner than later. I must find a way to put pictures on my blog, some easier way, so many things don't work. Then I will show you my kayaks and my trailer, when it gets racks to put the kayaks on. I had to get a trailer because it was just too much work to get them on top of my car, then take them down to use them, by then I was to tired to use them lol but not really funny. Well I don't really have much to say so I'll quit rambling and try to have something to say next time.

Monday, March 8, 2010

pictures of Shawn

I didn't find the bath tub pictures but I did find a couple pictures. I can't figure out how to turn them and I don't have time to keep playing with it right now.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Here I am again.

I guess I've found the way to not stress over work. Take an extra day off!! That's what I'm doing tomarrow. Not to relax mind you, to go do a mystery service project in Traverce City, with the ladys from church. It should be a fun time.

Then there is tonight. I am having people over for dinner and I'm just puttsing around. I put meat in the oven but that's it. Is the rest going to do it self. I expect not so I hope I get with the program pretty soon.

Is spring here yet? I just looked and NO. Not till the 20th, but it is coming!!

Oh yes, another major good news...My daughter Mary has now passed 3 of 5 test for her GED! Hurray for Mary. You go girl! Last 2 test are Monday the 8th.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Busy at work

It's hard to deceide which is better, being busy or being bored at work. We were pretty busy the last couple days. I drove home and found myself making a list of things I forgot to do.

It's March now, I give myself permission to wish for spring.

Doing poorly on loosing weight...enough said.

Guess I don't have much to say, so till next time, Bye.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Oh my gosh I had a visitor on the 10th and this is the first time I checked on my blog since then. I am so sorry. well my computer was out of comission for a couple days and I must work, but no real good excuse. any way I have tomarrow off and more to do than can be done in one day so at least it will be a normal day off!
I did lose a couple pounds so that is a good thing. I have found when I walk 5 miles I really don't have time for my life. most of the days I walked 5 miles I ran late the rest of the day.
I had a slow day at work today, if we don't get another patient or two, I will go stir crazy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Exercise,weight loss and work

Just so you know, Monday I started over trying to lose some weight, so far I walked 5 miles 2 days and I don't remember eating any junk food. Today I have company coming for dinner and I'm a little stiff/sore, hopefully I wont give in to that. Then back to work tomarrow. My plan is to walk just 1 mile tomarrow, it's not worked before but I have the plan. Working and exercising on the same day, I shutter to think about it!.
I have to get rid of some clothes, I really don't want it to be the skinny ones, lol.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Trying to get it right

Oh Hi! This should be so easy, yet here I struggle. If you made it to my blog welcome. I have visions of it being a wonderful place to visit but in fact it's pretty boring. I think if you make it that was a feat it itself. I hope you will leave me a comment so I at least know I did something right. I think 2 people have left me a comment in the history of my blog, so I think it is possible but I'm not sure how difficult it is so some feedback would be appreciated.

on another note: losing 40 pounds by June 1st, well I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen but today is another 1st day at the attempt---I had a 320 calorie breakfast and walked 3 miles...that is a good start but the whole rest of the day is before me....

work---talk about ups and downs---yesterday was so slow I thought it would never end, last time I blogged it was so busy I was 2 hours overtime two days in a row just to get the paperwork done so I could leave.

well I gotta go, stuff to do that I can't get done behind a computer.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well I haven't exercised since I blogged about it last. I did have, "a weekend from HELL, at work." I worked 14 hours both days and it's only a 12 hour shift. I hope I don't have to do that again for a long time. I hear there are changes afoot at word. They will be cutting back on paid staff. That means volunteers will be cooking and cleaning, I think. That's ok as long as there are volunteers to do it and they come in to do it. Well I better quit complainin' and get this day started, cause it's back to work tomarrow.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Time to exercise and motivation to exercise seldom come at the same time. DARN. Haven't given up but haven't done well yet.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A sad day in History

My son, Shawn and his family's house burned today. Thankfully they are all ok. Sadly, the familys pets, 4 dogs and a cat did not make it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Weigh in today, gained 1#. so ate some M&Ms. then pizza for dinner. start again tomarrow. Darn, Darn, Darn. How come you have to eat better & less calories AND exercise?

It's my youngest grandaughters Birthday today. Happy Birthday Lizzy!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Must go back to work tomarrow. this morning I walked 3miles with Leslie (DVD). Two more days till weigh in. sure hope I make the 2 pound loss.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hi all. Today I did a 2 mile walk with "Leslie Sansone" on DVD. a little sore so don't want to over do it but must keep at it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I can't seem to find time or energy to exercise on the days I work. So today I did a 5 mile walk with a exercise DVD and cross country skied for 12 hour. I sure hope that helps. It is also very hard to stick to a good, healthy diet while at work.
I lost 2 pounds last week. I hope to lose another 2 this week. the whole group who is trying to lose weight bythe 1st of June lost, !!"16 pounds"!! hurray for us.
Wow! It's the 11 of January and it was still December of 09 when I blogged last. Where does the time go? Well I'm having a day off so we will see what I can catch up on!!
I lost 2 pounds the first week of January and all those participating lost 16 so we are off and running...well at least trying to eat better and exercising.