Friday, October 1, 2010


untill a few days ago I had never heard of kettlebells. today I did my first kettlebell workout. rather sloppily I might say but you gotta start somewhere. How come whenever you exercies you gotta warm up and cool down. How do we ever live in life??? seems like we should always be warming up or cooling down if we ever do anything!!! So just when you exercise you warm up and cool down... I protest. I'd like to get to it, then be done with it! That said, kettlebells are pretty cool and I hurt a little, feel the burn that is :)
I hope I stick with it and loose these 30 pounds (give or take a few) that I've been talking about for too long!

1 comment:

  1. untill a few days ago I had never heard of kettlebells. today I did my first kettlebell workout. rather sloppily I might say but you gotta start somewhere. kettlebell workshop
