Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm so excited

I've had visitors. Thanks or coming. You don't have to come often, I don't even come often! I just need a little following for now for encouragement you know... I'm determined to get it figured out. It sure is slow though. Well I've got a lot to do today and most of it isn't on line so I better get to it.


  1. Can you please post some of those embarrassing pictures of Shawn in the tub as a 2 year old? Or as a 20 year old. Whichever is easier.

    (Sorry, some evil person made me ask.)

  2. Oh! Now it's working. Never mind.

    And please, no 20 year old tub pictures. Ewwww. Although 20-year olds do plenty of embarrassing things fully dressed so that might be fun to see pictures of.

  3. I'm jumping on the "Embarrass Shawn on the Internet" bandwagon.

    I may begin an Internet Chant in order to get my way.

  4. Maybe I can be like Shawn and talk to comenters on my own post. Oh my gosh...what a thrill
    My first and foremost problem is I can't figure out where to plug in the wire/cord thing that hooks the camera to the computer (I know where to plug it in to the cammera:)but the computer end?? A big pluss is I do know where the wire is!!
    I know the pictures your looking for, I'll see what I can may take a while 'cause the're not on the digital camera but I think I can do it, it juat might take a while.

  5. Hi Shawn's (and other's) Mom! Welcome to the blogosphere. :)

  6. I bet Shawn would be happy to help you figure out you need to do to post pictures. And I add my welcome!

  7. Hi Shawn's mom. I'm voting for you to post embarrassing stories and pictures about Shawn on your blog. I like the pinkness...

  8. A very belated, "Welcome to the blogosphere, Shawn's Mom!" I also vote for "Embarrassing Shawn Photos on the Internet." What are friends for?
